As each day draws to a close, my aspiration is simple yet profound: I want my students to depart the classroom
each day brimming with enhanced confidence, both in their artistic ideas and within their minds and bodies as
creators in the world of dance.
Our haven within the dance realm doesn't exist in isolation from a world grappling with conflicts, turmoil, and social
injustices. We find ourselves navigating a sea of uncertainty, often weighed down by the relentless churn of
possibilities and outcomes. Yet, it's within this very uncertainty that I perceive an opportunity—a chance to
recalibrate and harmonize our mental and physical selves, an imperative for success within the dance industry.
My pedagogical approach extends beyond just dance techniques; it's a holistic journey encompassing mental
resilience. Years within DIAVOLO illuminated a fundamental truth that even a robust body falters without a fortified
mind. I am less concerned with students emulating the way I move and dance and more interested in unraveling
the understanding and identity behind their movements. I believe that true understanding emerges when dancers
inhabit a state of happiness and confidence.
Immersed in the theory of Flow State, researched and coined by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, my teaching philosophy
seeks to uncover the triggers for achieving this state of ultimate happiness and optimal experience. It revolves
around finding joy in movement, refining physical capabilities, and harmonizing physical demands with cognitive
performance. Tasks are designed to prompt dancers to perceive movement intellectually, engaging with their
internal and external environment, fostering problem-solving skills, and evolving into efficient movers.
This quest led me to become a master practitioner in two empowering methodologies. DIAVOLO's Architecture in
Motion® challenges individuals within a collaborative and physical dialogue, fostering resilience and achieving what
Csikszentmihalyi defines it as a Group Flow State. My unique philosophy, Ebb and Floorwork, draws inspiration from
Eastern philosophies, seek balance through movement contrasts and utilizing the horizontal level as a gateway
to achieve a Flow State.
I am also just a perpetual student of dance, and my evolution as an educator is intricately woven with the
collaborative growth we nurture together as a class. Understanding ourselves stems from the relationships we
cultivate and the dialogues we foster. Embracing change as a constant, I engage with diverse viewpoints,
passions, and philosophies, recognizing them as living entities that shape our collective dance journey.
Amidst evolving teaching philosophies, I remain steadfast in my belief that dance ignites a transformative power
within us. I dance, perform, guide, collaborate, and teach because it anchors me, fills me with contentment, and
fortifies my spirit. I am committed to sharing my path in hopes that it inspires, revitalizes, enriches, and empowers,
instilling confidence and contentment, and enabling us to confront any challenge the world presents.